Information about the bookstores included in BookTrakr's reporting
- Which bookstores does BookTrakr support?
- Why does Amazon sometimes (but not always) ask me for a one-time password when I use the BookTrakr Button?
- Why am I not getting any Kobo sales reported?
- What's wrong with the BookTrakr Button
- Why are my books showing up multiple times in BookTrakr?
- Why doesn't BookTrakr automatically get my Amazon/KDP sales?
- How accurate is data from Amazon?
- How accurate is data from Apple?
- How accurate is data from Barnes & Noble?
- How accurate is data from CreateSpace?
- How accurate is data from Draft2Digital?
- How accurate is data from Google Play
- How accurate is data from Kobo?
- How accurate is data from Smashwords?
- The BookTrakr Button disappeared or no longer works in Safari
- How do I add a new book to BookTrakr?
- What do I need to do after I change my email or password at one of the stores?
- Why do my sales not match the KDP dashboard?
- How do I manually upload sales information for Amazon/KDP?