Can BookTrakr retrieve data from before I signed up?

BookTrakr will show all the reviews and ratings ever posted for your books. It cannot get historical data for your books' rankings, so it can't show any rankings from before you signed up.

BookTrakr will download whatever historical sales data the store provides. In some cases, BookTrakr will have only weekly or monthly data for a period; it will spread that data evenly over the days in that period, distributing any leftovers randomly. Exactly how much history is available depends on the store:

  • Amazon provides six weeks of weekly data and monthly data back to 2010.
  • Apple provides fourteen days of daily data and fourteen weeks of weekly data.
  • Barnes & Noble provides a complete history.
  • Google provides a complete history.
  • Kobo provides a complete history.
  • Draft-2-Digital provides a complete history.
  • Smashwords provides a complete history.
  • CreateSpace provides a complete history.
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