How does BookTrakr billing work?

When you provide us with your credit card info, it is sent directly to our credit card provider, Stripe, who stores it and uses it to generate charges. Our servers never see your credit card information, so there is no possibility of a data breach of our system revealing your credit card info. Stripe handles billions of dollars of transactions every day, and their protection is state-of-the-art.

We will instruct Stripe to charge your card each month, in advance, starting on the day your free trial ends. If we are unable to charge your card (you didn't provide a card, or the card expired, or your credit card company rejects the charge) we will send you an email telling you what happened. From that point on, you will be unable to use the BookTrakr website for anything other than providing us with valid credit card info. As soon as we process a charge successfully, you will be able to use the website. You will still continue to receive your Daliy Update emails, and we will continue to retrieve your data each day.

Three days after the first attempt, we will make a second attempt (unless you've updated your credit card in the meantime and we've successfully charged it). Again, if the attempt fails, we will send you an email telling you why.

Five days after the second attempt, we will make a third attempt (unless you've updated your credit card in the meantime and we've successfully charged it). Again, if the attempt fails, we will send you an email telling you why. At this point, we will stop retrieving your data each day, and your Daily Update email will no longer show any data.

Finally, seven days after the second attempt, we will make a third attempt (unless you've updated your credit card in the meantime and we've successfully charged it). Again, if the attempt fails, we will send you an email telling you why. At this point, we will schedule your account for termination at the end of the current billing period (one month after the first payment attempt failed). At that time your account and all of your data will be deleted. Up until that point, your account can be restored to operational status by providing us valid credit card info.

One additional note: when you give us credit card info for a delinquent account, we will try immediately to charge it. Failure will not count as one of the four failures you are allowed before your account is terminated, so if you're having trouble with your credit card provider, that should not adversely affect your account's status.
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